Imagine that you just launched your product in the market. Naturally, you would want customers
to love your brand and buy your products like crazy! Who do you think will turn your expectation
into reality? None other than the product photographer!

When 75% of customers rely on the product images to buy a product or not, it’s important to
choose your product photographer wisely. Here are our four tips to help you out.

1. Check Photographer’s Portfolio

Any hiring process involves a lot of research on an employee’s background. The same
rule applies to choosing the product photographer. First, do online research on the best
available photographers in product photography and then check out their portfolios. It
will help you see if the photographer has experience or not, in taking the type of product
images that you need.

2. Know Your Budget

Setting a realistic budget for hiring a product photographer will save your time from
looking at those who you can’t afford. If you have no idea how much brand
photography may cost you, better check online to get an idea and then decide on the

Once you are clear with your budget, you can filter out those photographers whose
pricing is out of your range. And, then make a list of those photographers who are
affordable under your budget. Further, you can personally call and ask them about their
fee structure to clear any doubts.

3. Read Reviews & Testimonials

Every company or individual offering service in brand photography has an official
website. All you have to do is go through their reviews and testimonials to get an idea
about their reputation and customer satisfaction.

Now, you may be thinking that no company will ever publish any negative review or
testimonial on their website. Well, that’s true in most cases, you will at least get a rough
idea about the quality of their services.

If you’re still not convinced, then you can request the company or product
photographer to put you in contact with some of their previous customers. Then, you
can talk directly to the customers and ask about their experiences.

4. Visit The Office

Once you are satisfied with a photographer’s work in product photography, it’s
important to meet in person. Schedule a meeting in the photographer’s office, so that
you can see the type of equipment used, work culture, and way of handling the clients.

Also, don’t forget to make a questionnaire before going to meet your product
photographer. You can ask all the questions regarding his experience, expertise,
copyright issues related to images, team members, fee structure, etc.

Final Words

A product photographer will make your brand look stand out from your competitors. So,
consider hiring the best one in the industry. Just do some research and follow our tips. Good